Friday, October 22, 2010

Australia First Supports Inverbrackie People's Struggle Against Refugee Invasion: Time For A Community Strike!

Some 400 refugees will be dropped into the Adelaide Hills town of Inverbrackie. So much for the Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott election-period spin on deterring "asylum seekers". Stop the boats ? No: fly them in! Disused army facilities will be turned over to the parasites. A large protest meeting at the Woodside Town Hall on October 21 drew some 400 people.

The Australia First Party supports the people of the Adelaide Hills in their concerns and in their protests. The party will commence activities there very soon.

It is people's struggle that is the decisive thing and it is difficult for direction to be found amidst the chaos of recolonization.

The dark terror that will be waged by Moslem extremists, Tamil Tiger guerrillas, Afghan drug criminals, African animists and so on is but a matter of time. It sums to culture busting ( the process by which Australian community feeling and identity is broken down ) and is also a type of state-terrorism against the Australian population-ethnic cleansing!

Resistance must become permanent, regardless of what the government does.

Australia First Party proposes the model of a Community Strike:

No Australian should collaborate in any way with any government agency which operates the project.

No Australian should communicate with any so-called refugee.

No Australia should accept any employment arising from the intrusion.

No Australian should attend any church or community group that supports the refugee invasion.

All should shun and avoid any person who violates these rules.

The people of the area should ensure the election of fighting councillors to defend their interests at local level.

Australians should affiliate to and support their Australian heritage or community organization of choice.

The people of Inverbrackie and the Hills area generally will be vilified by the national media and other psychological terrorists for any patriotic stand they take. To end the refugee invasion, to repudiate the United Nations treaties, to punish those in political office who have allowed this are enormous questions. The people of Inverbrackie have been put in the front line of a battle for the future of Australia.

If you don't fight-you lose!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Death Knell For Murray-Darling Food Producers.

With the release of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan we realise it is the death sentence for Australian food production and up to 90 rural and regional communities along with it!

Robert Anderson of Moree NSW warns us: Beware The Consultation That Isn't !

After many delays and leaks we now have the guidelines for the Murray-Darling Basin plan, and are being told by Water Minister, Tony Burke, "not to worry, it is only a draft, and we will now have the community consultation process".

From my experiences dealing with Labor governments, now is the time to get really worried.

When SEPP46 came into being in NSW, then Premier, Bob Carr, and relevant ministers all said "do not worry, this is the interim until we have a proper community consultation process before the Act is formed and passed".

The Native Vegitation Act duly came in and was somewhat worse than SEPP46. In the so-called "consultation process" the only parties really listened to were the extreme Green groups.

Eventually a lot of time, money, and effort went into designing a "general exemption" to incorporate in the Act to make day-to-day farming operations feasible.

A workable solution was worked out with the more moderate green groups, NSW Farmers and local government. However, this did not suit the radical Greens and on the eleventh hour the general exemption was canned by Bob Carr.

At the same time the Regional Vegitation Plans that were starting to work out very sustainable solutions, and would have cost millions of dollars to formulate, were also scrapped, to appease the radical left wing Greens who wanted a centralist system they could control via a compliant government.

Both were replaced with the disastrous centralised computer program, the Property Vegitation Planner, which is negative for both farmers and the environment, but good for those inner city Green votes that are the lifeblood of Labor.

Both the Native Vegitation Act and the replacing of the general exemption and Regional Vegitation Committees were economically and environmentally retrograde steps done for pure political reasons after "community consultation", with rural NSW as the scapegoat.

When a Labor government talks of "community consultation", it is Laborspeak for "softening up" before getting hit with the real sting in the tail, which will be much worse than what has so far been put on the table.

Labor hyenas, whether State or federal, do not change their spots. They remain a gentle hue of socialist red, and love to roll on their backs and let their masters, the far left radical, so-called "Greens", tickle their tummy.

R. Anderson
The Land ( 14.10.10 ).

The real agenda here is somewhat more sinister, we are moving into the globalist fase where all agriculture excluding the big produce for export czars will be killed off and we will import for consumption.

The Murray-Darling Basin Plan is but one of the many weapons in the globalists arsenal to achieve this goal.

When injustice becomes LAW, resistance becomes DUTY!